Having trouble with signing on to sftp site.I am able to connect over ssh tunnel by HeidiSQL.Type '22222' in the 'Forwarded port' field. I've tried to get the key to work both with DBeaver and using SSHTunnelForwarder in Python. Disabilita il tunnel SSH: Esegui nella shell sudo apt-get install -y autossh.Press 'i' to enter into insert mode and add or modify the following line: AllowUsers sk. To configure connection to be tunneled, use Tunnel page of Advanced Site Settings dialog. Let’s set this variable to empty value and check it: $ SSH_AUTH_SOCK= $ env | grep SSH SSH_AUTH_SOCK= SSH_AGENT_PID=1661. This is for protocol version 1 only and is deprecated. 8080) where only SSH port (usually port 22) is reachable. pem -N -L -v Response: debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey). Can this please be added? I saw in the 'connecting' help section (lolwut, I'm not allowed to post a direct link) a tab SSH Tunnel in the session manager. It also supports various administrative tools. Connect via ssh tunnel to production db – Connection refused 26th February 2021 laravel, php, ssh, ubuntu I am using Laravel Framework 6.Can't initialize tunnel Cannot establish tunnel Cannot establish.